3. Detecting facial expressions from videos#

Written by Jin Hyun Cheong and Eshin Jolly

In this tutorial we’ll explore how to use the Detector class to process video files. You can try it out interactively in Google Collab: Open In Colab

# Uncomment the line below and run this only if you're using Google Collab
# !pip install -q py-feat

3.1 Setting up the Detector#

We’ll begin by creating a new Detector instance just like the previous tutorial and using the defaults:

from feat import Detector

detector = Detector()

feat.detector.Detector(face_model=retinaface, landmark_model=mobilefacenet, au_model=xgb, emotion_model=resmasknet, facepose_model=img2pose, identity_model=facenet)

3.2 Processing videos#

Detecting facial expressions in videos is easy to do using the .detect_video() method. This sample video included in Py-Feat is by Wolfgang Langer from Pexels.

from feat.utils.io import get_test_data_path
import os

test_data_dir = get_test_data_path()
test_video_path = os.path.join(test_data_dir, "WolfgangLanger_Pexels.mp4")

# Show video
from IPython.core.display import Video
Video(test_video_path, embed=False)

Just like .detect_image() we can just pass the path to the video file to .detect_video(). Here we also set skip_frames=24 which tells the detector to process only every 24th frame for the sake of speed:

video_prediction = detector.detect_video(test_video_path, skip_frames=24)
100%|██████████| 20/20 [00:26<00:00,  1.31s/it]
FaceRectX FaceRectY FaceRectWidth FaceRectHeight FaceScore x_0 x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 ... Identity_506 Identity_507 Identity_508 Identity_509 Identity_510 Identity_511 Identity_512 input frame approx_time
0 330.070496 41.907721 222.043699 312.001812 0.999788 334.606952 335.238771 339.470413 347.475285 359.121231 ... 0.013548 0.025144 -0.013464 -0.040379 0.001958 -0.020915 -0.061315 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 0 00:00
24 346.699591 43.669070 217.335426 303.963334 0.999697 351.959290 350.905224 353.492541 359.888538 370.324052 ... 0.002161 0.027122 -0.019982 -0.023538 0.055576 -0.008936 -0.054490 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 24 00:01
48 337.734648 41.616590 214.032905 283.927078 0.999782 341.442624 339.082590 339.590616 342.465586 350.360024 ... 0.003118 0.010020 0.021353 -0.032861 0.008472 -0.015471 -0.006659 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 48 00:02
72 313.084993 60.234503 218.443315 302.880141 0.999261 319.038867 318.742627 322.025177 328.489190 338.237628 ... -0.000539 0.008751 -0.019984 -0.040222 0.052243 0.017060 -0.023802 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 72 00:03
96 317.632644 85.905809 232.158924 279.608472 0.998265 336.531510 333.498298 332.555208 336.279221 346.259310 ... 0.030832 0.037258 -0.017512 -0.053172 0.010600 -0.060130 -0.051994 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 96 00:04

5 rows × 687 columns

We can see that our 20s long video, recorded at 24 frames-per-second, produces 20 predictions because we set skip_frames=24:

(20, 173)

3.3 Visualizing predictions#

You can also plot the detection results from a video. The frames are not extracted from the video (that will result in thousands of images) so the visualization only shows the detected face without the underlying image.

The video has 24 fps and the actress show sadness around the 0:02, and happiness at 0:14 seconds.

# Frame 48 = ~0:02
# Frame 408 = ~0:14
# Frame numbers are the index so we can use .loc
video_prediction.loc[[48, 408]].plot_detections(faceboxes=False, add_titles=False)
[<Figure size 1500x700 with 3 Axes>, <Figure size 1500x700 with 3 Axes>]
../_images/76142e5161c49953a534ebb83db3e5b4a7bcb1db0023e0c32bf6415806371d33.png ../_images/0d65378dcc7b58554046c81867097308156d2112a633f38e87ffb889b3fea8d6.png

We can also leverage existing pandas plotting functions to show how emotions unfold over time. We can clearly see how her emotions change from sadness to happiness.

axes = video_prediction.emotions.plot()

In situations you want to predict EVERY frame of the video, you can ust leave out the skip_frames argument. Speed of processing may vary depending on the detector you use and the length of the video:

# Run me to get a prediction for EVERY video frame.
video_prediction = detector.detect_video(test_video_path)