2. Detecting facial expressions from images#

Written by Jin Hyun Cheong and Eshin Jolly

In this tutorial we’ll explore the Detector class in more depth, demonstrating how to detect faces, facial landmarks, action units, and emotions from images. You can try it out interactively in Google Collab: Open In Colab

# Uncomment the line below and run this only if you're using Google Collab
# !pip install -q py-feat

2.1 Detecting a single face from a single image#

Setting up the Detector#

When using the Detector you can either specify specific models to use or just load the default models which are defined explicitly below:

from feat import Detector

detector = Detector(

feat.detector.Detector(face_model=retinaface, landmark_model=mobilefacenet, au_model=xgb, emotion_model=resmasknet, facepose_model=img2pose, identity_model=facenet)

Let’s process a single image with a single face. Py-feat includes a demo image for this purpose called single_face.jpg so lets use that. You can also use the convenient imshow function which will automatically load an image into a numpy array if provided a path unlike matplotlib:

from feat.utils.io import get_test_data_path
from feat.plotting import imshow
import os

# Helper to point to the test data folder
test_data_dir = get_test_data_path()

# Get the full path
single_face_img_path = os.path.join(test_data_dir, "single_face.jpg")

# Plot it

Now we use our initialized detector instance to make predictions with the detect_image() method. This is the main workhorse method that will perform face, landmark, au, and emotion detection using the loaded models. It always returns a Fex data instance:

single_face_prediction = detector.detect_image(single_face_img_path)

# Show results
100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:01<00:00,  1.05s/it]
FaceRectX FaceRectY FaceRectWidth FaceRectHeight FaceScore x_0 x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 ... Identity_505 Identity_506 Identity_507 Identity_508 Identity_509 Identity_510 Identity_511 Identity_512 input frame
0 192.507763 140.455324 179.3527 259.257753 0.999708 187.430438 188.301049 190.15731 194.596453 203.539803 ... -0.005776 -0.035352 -0.001157 0.001913 0.117051 -0.001347 -0.012121 0.029357 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 0

1 rows × 686 columns

Working with Fex data class results#

Because the output is a Fex data class instance, we can utilize its various helper methods and attributes to inspect our predictions.

Easily accessing FEX columns of interest.#

Fex data classes make it simple to access various columns of interest (AUs, emotion, faceboxes, etc):

FaceRectX FaceRectY FaceRectWidth FaceRectHeight FaceScore
0 192.507763 140.455324 179.3527 259.257753 0.999708
AU01 AU02 AU04 AU05 AU06 AU07 AU09 AU10 AU11 AU12 AU14 AU15 AU17 AU20 AU23 AU24 AU25 AU26 AU28 AU43
0 0.607853 0.293292 0.054883 0.285801 0.917875 1.0 0.356386 0.636989 1.0 0.953904 0.722208 0.073059 0.154148 1.0 0.155187 0.015028 0.999779 0.888506 0.033452 0.116028
anger disgust fear happiness sadness surprise neutral
0 0.00051 0.000026 0.002214 0.991036 0.000028 0.006158 0.000029
single_face_prediction.poses # (in degrees)
Pitch Roll Yaw
0 0.811819 -3.737926 6.101121

Saving detection to a file#

Since a Fex object is just a sub-classed DataFrames we can use the .to_csv method to save our detections toa file:

single_face_prediction.to_csv("output.csv", index=False)

Loading detection results from a saved file#

We can load this output using the read_feat() function, which behaves just like pd.read_csv from Pandas, but returns a Fex data class instead of a DataFrame. This gives you the full suite of Fex funcionality right away.

# prefer to pandas read_csv
from feat.utils.io import read_feat

input_prediction = read_feat("output.csv")

# Show results
FaceRectX FaceRectY FaceRectWidth FaceRectHeight FaceScore x_0 x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 ... AU43 anger disgust fear happiness sadness surprise neutral input frame
0 192.561653 140.51021 179.37261 259.209973 0.999708 186.658539 187.411811 189.165036 193.472231 202.410419 ... 0.277524 0.000495 0.000025 0.001946 0.990421 0.000028 0.007057 0.000029 output.csv 0

1 rows × 173 columns

Visualizing detection results.#

We can use the .plot_detections() method to generate a summary figure of detected faces, action units and emotions. It always returns a list of matplotlib figures:

figs = single_face_prediction.plot_detections(poses=True)

By default .plot_detections() will overlay facial lines on top of the input image. However, it’s also possible to visualize a face using Py-Feat’s standardized AU landmark model, which takes the detected AUs and projects them onto a template face. You an control this by change by setting faces='aus' instead of the default faces='landmarks'. For more details about this kind of visualization see the visualizing facial expressions and the creating an AU visualization model tutorials:

figs = single_face_prediction.plot_detections(faces='aus', muscles=True)

2.2 Detecting multiple faces from a single image#

A Detector can automatically find multiple faces in a single image. We’ll see that in the next example, the number of rows of the Fex data class returned from .detect_image() has one row for each detected face. We’ll also try using a different model this time, Img2Pose, which acts as both a face detector and a face pose estimator.

Notice how image_prediction is now a Fex instance with 5 rows, one for each detected face. We can confirm this by plotting our detection results and poses like before:

multi_face_image_path = os.path.join(test_data_dir, "multi_face.jpg")
multi_face_prediction = detector.detect_image(multi_face_image_path)

# Show results
  0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:01<00:00,  1.93s/it]
FaceRectX FaceRectY FaceRectWidth FaceRectHeight FaceScore x_0 x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 ... Identity_505 Identity_506 Identity_507 Identity_508 Identity_509 Identity_510 Identity_511 Identity_512 input frame
0 683.340962 288.568895 105.420755 134.124931 0.999817 685.511870 683.331586 682.070848 682.695525 686.402923 ... 0.033936 -0.041451 -0.010431 -0.050652 0.057576 -0.016750 0.052456 0.071331 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 0
1 531.699620 309.095124 97.330348 123.796507 0.999361 534.246679 532.407478 531.774721 532.450397 535.062077 ... 0.074216 -0.008548 -0.043167 0.008296 0.081963 -0.031615 0.053231 0.031800 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 0
2 316.664986 236.808266 91.607044 120.287714 0.998966 313.592762 314.633883 316.859567 320.841335 327.401511 ... 0.037859 -0.039686 -0.053666 -0.062578 -0.022025 -0.039633 -0.027346 0.017940 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 0
3 435.052554 211.107515 81.976803 101.041442 0.994319 436.121349 436.979648 438.452164 440.423172 443.637487 ... 0.028489 -0.064772 -0.014781 -0.011815 0.037212 0.053282 0.051709 0.041597 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 0
4 220.073854 64.653705 85.268424 110.928977 0.994262 219.496109 217.772578 216.813998 217.033585 219.753727 ... 0.042779 0.054387 0.000781 0.039160 0.068925 -0.011794 0.028254 -0.062116 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 0

5 rows × 686 columns

figs = multi_face_prediction.plot_detections(add_titles=False)

2.3 Detecting faces from multiple images#

Detector is also flexible enough to process multiple image files if .detect_image() is passed a list of images. By default images will be processed serially, but you can set batch_size > 1 to process multiple images in a batch and speed up processing. NOTE: All images in a batch must have the same dimensions for batch processing. This is because behind the scenes, Detector is assembling a tensor by stacking images together. You can ask Detector to rescale images by padding and preserving proportions using the output_size in conjunction with batch_size. For example, the following would process a list of images in batches of 5 images at a time resizing each so one axis is 512:

detector.detect_image(img_list, batch_size=5, output_size=512) # without output_size this would raise an error if image sizes differ!

In the example below we keep things simple, by process both our single and multi-face example serislly by setting batch_size = 1.

Notice how the returned Fex data class instance has 6 rows: 1 for the first face in the first image, and 5 for the faces in the second image:

NOTE: Currently batch processing images gives slightly different AU detection results due to the way that py-feat integrates the underlying models. You can examine the degree of tolerance by checking out the results of test_detection_and_batching_with_diff_img_sizes in our test-suite

img_list = [single_face_img_path, multi_face_image_path]

mixed_prediction = detector.detect_image(img_list, batch_size=1)
  0%|          | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:02<00:00,  1.45s/it]
FaceRectX FaceRectY FaceRectWidth FaceRectHeight FaceScore x_0 x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 ... Identity_505 Identity_506 Identity_507 Identity_508 Identity_509 Identity_510 Identity_511 Identity_512 input frame
0 192.507763 140.455324 179.352700 259.257753 0.999708 187.430438 188.301049 190.157310 194.596453 203.539803 ... -0.005776 -0.035352 -0.001157 0.001913 0.117051 -0.001347 -0.012121 0.029357 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 0
1 683.340962 288.568895 105.420755 134.124931 0.999817 685.511870 683.331586 682.070848 682.695525 686.402923 ... 0.033936 -0.041451 -0.010431 -0.050652 0.057576 -0.016750 0.052456 0.071331 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 1
2 531.699620 309.095124 97.330348 123.796507 0.999361 534.246679 532.407478 531.774721 532.450397 535.062077 ... 0.074216 -0.008548 -0.043167 0.008296 0.081963 -0.031615 0.053231 0.031800 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 1
3 316.664986 236.808266 91.607044 120.287714 0.998966 313.592762 314.633883 316.859567 320.841335 327.401511 ... 0.037859 -0.039686 -0.053666 -0.062578 -0.022025 -0.039633 -0.027346 0.017940 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 1
4 435.052554 211.107515 81.976803 101.041442 0.994319 436.121349 436.979648 438.452164 440.423172 443.637487 ... 0.028489 -0.064772 -0.014781 -0.011815 0.037212 0.053282 0.051709 0.041597 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 1
5 220.073854 64.653705 85.268424 110.928977 0.994262 219.496109 217.772578 216.813998 217.033585 219.753727 ... 0.042779 0.054387 0.000781 0.039160 0.068925 -0.011794 0.028254 -0.062116 /Users/esh/Documents/pypackages/py-feat/feat/t... 1

6 rows × 686 columns

Calling .plot_detections() will now plot detections for all images the detector was passed:

figs = mixed_prediction.plot_detections(add_titles=False)
../_images/21044438082a2ecc6c7a3628c243261a8fb7fb2aa6ce78067fae35eba5ee0eb8.png ../_images/c4fa841344e9aae9a7d979f9cf09798dc982500b15445c45c1fbc4075cac8894.png

However, it’s easy to use pandas slicing sytax to just grab predictions for the image you want. For example you can use .loc and chain it to .plot_detections():

# Just plot the detection corresponding to the first row in the Fex data
figs = mixed_prediction.loc[0].plot_detections(add_titles=False)

Likewise you can use .query() and chain it to .plot_detections(). Fex data classes store each file path in the 'input' column. So we can use regular pandas methods like .unique() to get all the unique images (2 in our case) and pick the second one.

# Choose plot based on image file name
img_name = mixed_prediction['input'].unique()[1]
axes = mixed_prediction.query("input == @img_name").plot_detections(add_titles=False)