General contributions guidelines#

We always welcome contributions to Py-Feat and recommend you follow these basic steps to do. We highly recommend using Visual Studio Code as we include recommended editor extensions and settings in this repo. We use pytest for testing and ruff for linting and formatting:

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.

  2. Install Feat on your machine, by git clone your fork

  3. Install the development dependencies which will also install the package dependencies: pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

  4. Install Py-Feat in development mode so that any changes you make to source files are automatically reflected in scripts/notebooks: pip install -e .

  5. Add you code contributions and/or changes

  6. Create or update the appropriate tests in feat/tests/.

  7. Run a single test to make sure your new functionality works: pytest -k 'name_of_your_test'

  8. Alternatively (or additionally) run the full Py-Feat test suite: pytest

  9. Add any applicable licenses to LICENSE.txt

  10. When your tests pass create a pull-request against the master/main branch on github!

Tutorial contribution guidelines#

All Py-Feat tutorial are made using jupyter book. To add a new tutorial or page takes just 3 steps:

  1. Add a jupyter notebook or markdown file to docs/

  2. Add an entry for your file to the table-of-contents in docs/_toc.yml

  3. Run jupyter-book build docs to render the documentation

You can check the build jupyter book by opening notebooks/_build/html/index.html in your browser.


Our documentation building pipeline does not execute jupyter notebooks. It just renders their input and output as pages. So make sure you locally execute cells that you want output for before committing your changes

For instructions on how to add new detectors see here